Tuesday, January 18, 2011

return to the work

Started again last night on the latest revision of House of Cuts, with new protagonist Hilary Broom replacing Amy Kovar, who now resides in her own novel.

Seems never ending this novel polishing process!


  1. wow - that's a big change! I feel like Amy is almost a member of our family - so it seems strange that she has moved. But I understand you have reasons, and trust that this is a move for the better, ultimately! xo

  2. Yes, horrid as it was, my novel writing group last Nov said that these are two different stories, so now Amy has her own novel--Amy's Mother. I already separated them and now must go through and reweave each--but it is actually kind of enjoyable.

    Years ago, they started as separate novels, when I realized I could merge them and give Amy some dramatic "conflict" more easily, but it did not work out.

    It's a process, the writing!
